4 Dudes, 1 Hole520
Air Beaners070
Air Mail070
Backyard Bros610
Bag it Up340
Bags Deep430
Bags to the Future430
Beers and Bags250
Cornhole Sanders430
Dude, Where's my Bag?160
Fo Shizzle Cornizzle520
Hole Patrol610
Loaner Hole520
Masters of the Hole700
Old School340
R2 D2070
Tea Bags610
Team GRAIN340
The Cornholios160
The Gang Plays Cornhole430
Which Hole?610


TeamDateTimeOpponentBoardSeries WinnerGame 1Game 2Game 3Game 4Game 5
Air Mail09/10/246:30Beers and BagsEver Grain 1Beers and BagsAir MailBeers and BagsBeers and BagsBeers and Bags
Fo Shizzle Cornizzle09/10/247:30Cornhole SandersEver Grain 1Fo Shizzle CornizzleFo Shizzle CornizzleFo Shizzle CornizzleFo Shizzle Cornizzle
Backyard Bros09/10/248:30Bag it UpEver Grain 1Backyard BrosBag it UpBackyard BrosBackyard BrosBackyard Bros
4 Dudes, 1 Hole09/10/246:30Old SchoolEver Grain 24 Dudes, 1 Hole4 Dudes, 1 Hole4 Dudes, 1 HoleOld School4 Dudes, 1 Hole
Air Beaners09/10/247:30Hole PatrolEver Grain 2Hole PatrolAir BeanersAir BeanersHole PatrolHole PatrolHole Patrol
Bags Deep09/10/248:30R2 D2Ever Grain 2Bags DeepR2 D2Bags DeepBags DeepBags Deep
Bags to the Future09/10/246:30Loaner HoleEver Grain 3Loaner HoleBags to the FutureLoaner HoleLoaner HoleLoaner Hole
The Cornholios09/10/247:30Masters of the HoleEver Grain 3Masters of the HoleMasters of the HoleMasters of the HoleMasters of the Hole
Dude, Where's my Bag?09/10/248:30The Gang Plays CornholeEver Grain 3The Gang Plays Cornhole
Which Hole?09/10/246:30Team GRAINEver Grain 4Which Hole?Which Hole?Which Hole?Which Hole?
Cornstars09/10/247:30Tea BagsEver Grain 4Tea BagsCornstarsCornstarsTea BagsTea BagsTea Bags
Unicorns09/10/248:30Crossfit717Ever Grain 4Crossfit717UnicornsUnicornsCrossfit717Crossfit717Crossfit717
Old School09/17/246:30Air MailEver Grain 1Old SchoolOld SchoolOld SchoolOld School
Cornhole Sanders09/17/247:304 Dudes, 1 HoleEver Grain 1Cornhole Sanders4 Dudes, 1 HoleCornhole SandersCornhole SandersCornhole Sanders
Beers and Bags09/17/248:30Backyard BrosEver Grain 1Backyard BrosBackyard BrosBackyard BrosBackyard Bros
Fo Shizzle Cornizzle09/17/246:30Bag it UpEver Grain 2Fo Shizzle CornizzleFo Shizzle CornizzleFo Shizzle CornizzleFo Shizzle Cornizzle
Team GRAIN09/17/247:30The CornholiosEver Grain 2Team GRAINTeam GRAINTeam GRAINTeam GRAIN
The Gang Plays Cornhole09/17/248:30Bags DeepEver Grain 2Bags DeepThe Gang Plays CornholeBags DeepBags DeepBags Deep
Masters of the Hole09/17/246:30CornstarsEver Grain 3Masters of the HoleCornstarsMasters of the HoleMasters of the HoleMasters of the Hole
R2 D209/17/247:30Bags to the FutureEver Grain 3Bags to the FutureBags to the FutureBags to the FutureBags to the Future
Crossfit71709/17/248:30Which Hole?Ever Grain 3Which Hole?Which Hole?Which Hole?Which Hole?
Hole Patrol09/17/246:30Dude, Where's my Bag?Ever Grain 4Hole PatrolDude, Where's my Bag?Dude, Where's my Bag?Hole PatrolHole PatrolHole Patrol
Loaner Hole09/17/247:30UnicornsEver Grain 4Loaner HoleUnicornsLoaner HoleLoaner HoleLoaner Hole
Tea Bags09/17/248:30Air BeanersEver Grain 4Tea BagsTea BagsTea BagsTea Bags
4 Dudes, 1 Hole09/24/246:30Fo Shizzle CornizzleEver Grain 14 Dudes, 1 HoleFo Shizzle Cornizzle4 Dudes, 1 Hole4 Dudes, 1 Hole4 Dudes, 1 Hole
Backyard Bros09/24/247:30Old SchoolEver Grain 1Backyard BrosOld SchoolBackyard BrosBackyard BrosBackyard Bros
Air Mail09/24/248:30Cornhole SandersEver Grain 1Cornhole SandersCornhole SandersCornhole SandersCornhole Sanders
Bag it Up09/24/246:30Beers and BagsEver Grain 2Bag it UpBeers and BagsBeers and BagsBag it UpBag it UpBag it Up
Unicorns09/24/247:30R2 D2Ever Grain 2UnicornsR2 D2UnicornsUnicornsUnicorns
Bags Deep09/24/248:30Hole PatrolEver Grain 2Hole PatrolHole PatrolHole PatrolHole Patrol
Which Hole?09/24/246:30The CornholiosEver Grain 3Which Hole?Which Hole?Which Hole?Which Hole?
Air Beaners09/24/247:30Masters of the HoleEver Grain 3Masters of the HoleMasters of the HoleMasters of the HoleMasters of the Hole
Bags to the Future09/24/248:30The Gang Plays CornholeEver Grain 3Bags to the FutureBags to the FutureBags to the FutureBags to the Future
Crossfit71709/24/246:30Loaner HoleEver Grain 4Loaner HoleCrossfit717Loaner HoleLoaner HoleLoaner Hole
Cornstars09/24/247:30Team GRAINEver Grain 4CornstarsCornstarsCornstarsCornstars
Dude, Where's my Bag?09/24/248:30Tea BagsEver Grain 4Tea BagsTea BagsTea BagsTea Bags
4 Dudes, 1 Hole10/01/246:30Bag it UpEver Grain 14 Dudes, 1 HoleBag it Up4 Dudes, 1 Hole4 Dudes, 1 Hole4 Dudes, 1 Hole
Cornhole Sanders10/01/247:30Backyard BrosEver Grain 1Backyard BrosCornhole SandersCornhole SandersBackyard BrosBackyard BrosBackyard Bros
Fo Shizzle Cornizzle10/01/248:30Air MailEver Grain 1Fo Shizzle CornizzleAir MailFo Shizzle CornizzleFo Shizzle CornizzleFo Shizzle Cornizzle
Old School10/01/246:30Beers and BagsEver Grain 2Old SchoolOld SchoolOld SchoolOld School
Loaner Hole10/01/247:30Which Hole?Ever Grain 2Which Hole?Loaner HoleLoaner HoleWhich Hole?Which Hole?Which Hole?
Masters of the Hole10/01/248:30Dude, Where's my Bag?Ever Grain 2Masters of the HoleDude, Where's my Bag?Masters of the HoleMasters of the HoleMasters of the Hole
R2 D210/01/246:30Crossfit717Ever Grain 3Crossfit717Crossfit717Crossfit717Crossfit717
Hole Patrol10/01/247:30Bags to the FutureEver Grain 3Bags to the FutureHole PatrolHole PatrolBags to the FutureBags to the FutureBags to the Future
The Gang Plays Cornhole10/01/248:30UnicornsEver Grain 3The Gang Plays CornholeUnicornsUnicornsThe Gang Plays CornholeThe Gang Plays CornholeThe Gang Plays Cornhole
Team GRAIN10/01/246:30Air BeanersEver Grain 4Team GRAINTeam GRAINTeam GRAINTeam GRAIN
The Cornholios10/01/247:30CornstarsEver Grain 4CornstarsCornstarsCornstarsCornstars
Tea Bags10/01/248:30Bags DeepEver Grain 4Tea BagsTea BagsTea BagsTea Bags
Beers and Bags10/08/246:30Cornhole SandersEver Grain 1Cornhole Sanders
Backyard Bros10/08/247:30Fo Shizzle CornizzleEver Grain 1Fo Shizzle Cornizzle
Air Mail10/08/248:304 Dudes, 1 HoleEver Grain 14 Dudes, 1 Hole
Bag it Up10/08/246:30Old SchoolEver Grain 2Old School
Loaner Hole10/08/247:30R2 D2Ever Grain 2Loaner Hole
Air Beaners10/08/248:30The CornholiosEver Grain 2The Cornholios
Dude, Where's my Bag?10/08/246:30Team GRAINEver Grain 3Team GRAIN
Which Hole?10/08/247:30CornstarsEver Grain 3Cornstars
Bags Deep10/08/248:30Masters of the HoleEver Grain 3Masters of the Hole
Bags to the Future10/08/246:30Tea BagsEver Grain 4Tea Bags
Unicorns10/08/247:30Hole PatrolEver Grain 4Hole Patrol
Crossfit71710/08/248:30The Gang Plays CornholeEver Grain 4The Gang Plays Cornhole
Cornhole Sanders10/15/246:30Old SchoolEver Grain 1Cornhole SandersCornhole SandersOld SchoolCornhole SandersCornhole Sanders
Fo Shizzle Cornizzle10/15/247:30Beers and BagsEver Grain 1Beers and BagsBeers and BagsFo Shizzle CornizzleBeers and BagsBeers and Bags
4 Dudes, 1 Hole10/15/248:30Backyard BrosEver Grain 1Backyard Bros4 Dudes, 1 HoleBackyard Bros4 Dudes, 1 HoleBackyard BrosBackyard Bros
Air Mail10/15/246:30Bag it UpEver Grain 2Bag it UpAir MailAir MailBag it UpBag it UpBag it Up
R2 D210/15/247:30Which Hole?Ever Grain 2Which Hole?Which Hole?Which Hole?Which Hole?
The Gang Plays Cornhole10/15/248:30Loaner HoleEver Grain 2Loaner HoleThe Gang Plays CornholeThe Gang Plays CornholeLoaner HoleLoaner HoleLoaner Hole
The Cornholios10/15/246:30Dude, Where's my Bag?Ever Grain 3Dude, Where's my Bag?The CornholiosDude, Where's my Bag?Dude, Where's my Bag?Dude, Where's my Bag?
Cornstars10/15/247:30Air BeanersEver Grain 3CornstarsCornstarsCornstarsCornstars
Team GRAIN10/15/248:30Bags DeepEver Grain 3Bags DeepBags DeepBags DeepBags Deep
Masters of the Hole10/15/246:30Bags to the FutureEver Grain 4Masters of the HoleBags to the FutureMasters of the HoleMasters of the HoleMasters of the Hole
Tea Bags10/15/247:30UnicornsEver Grain 4Tea BagsUnicornsTea BagsTea BagsTea Bags
Hole Patrol10/15/248:30Crossfit717Ever Grain 4Hole PatrolCrossfit717Hole PatrolHole PatrolHole Patrol
Which Hole?10/15/246:30Air BeanersEver Grain 5Which Hole?Which Hole?Which Hole?Which Hole?
Bag it Up10/22/246:30Cornhole SandersEver Grain 1Bag it UpCornhole SandersCornhole SandersBag it UpBag it UpBag it Up
Backyard Bros10/22/247:30Air MailEver Grain 1Backyard BrosAir MailBackyard BrosBackyard BrosBackyard Bros
Old School10/22/248:30Fo Shizzle CornizzleEver Grain 1Fo Shizzle CornizzleOld SchoolOld SchoolFo Shizzle CornizzleFo Shizzle CornizzleFo Shizzle Cornizzle
Beers and Bags10/22/246:304 Dudes, 1 HoleEver Grain 24 Dudes, 1 Hole4 Dudes, 1 Hole4 Dudes, 1 Hole4 Dudes, 1 Hole
Dude, Where's my Bag?10/22/247:30CornstarsEver Grain 2CornstarsDude, Where's my Bag?CornstarsCornstarsCornstars
R2 D210/22/248:30The Gang Plays CornholeEver Grain 2The Gang Plays CornholeThe Gang Plays CornholeThe Gang Plays CornholeR2 D2The Gang Plays Cornhole
Loaner Hole10/22/246:30Hole PatrolEver Grain 3Hole PatrolLoaner HoleHole PatrolHole PatrolHole Patrol
Bags to the Future10/22/247:30Team GRAINEver Grain 3Bags to the FutureTeam GRAINBags to the FutureBags to the FutureBags to the Future
Bags Deep10/22/248:30The CornholiosEver Grain 3Bags DeepThe CornholiosThe CornholiosBags DeepBags DeepBags Deep
Unicorns10/22/247:30Masters of the HoleEver Grain 4Masters of the HoleMasters of the HoleMasters of the HoleMasters of the Hole
Crossfit71710/22/248:30Tea BagsEver Grain 4Crossfit717Tea BagsCrossfit717Crossfit717Crossfit717