Logistics (aka the boring but important stuff)

  • Groups must have at least 4 rollers on their roster. 2 rollers must show up on game night.
  • Subs not on the roster in an emergency situation are allowed except for playoffs
  • Each team will have a captain. That person will be the official representative to the league and will be responsible for communicating messages from the league. A co-captain is also highly encouraged.
  • While phone numbers are optional for regular players all captains must ensure that their profiles have an accurate phone number listed. This is used during urgent communication between the league and captains and will never be shared with third parties.
  • Players must be registered (and paid in full) to play and to be counted towards a group’s Team status.
  • Both Teams will roll on the same lane throughout the match.
  • Every ball must be rolled while standing with both feet on the ground in front of the machines (i.e., no rolling from the side of the lane) Violating this rule will result in a score of zero for balls rolled during the infraction.
  • Any shot thrown while observing the previous rules and counted by the machine (including Bank shots) are permitted.
  • Balls that fail to enter the scoring zone and roll or otherwise return to the thrower are able to be re-thrown.

Game Play

A match will consist of two (2) teams, (all players) rolling 10 frames.  (timing it tomorrow).. Cost of the games is included with registration. Competing teams will roll on the same lane the entire match. Every ball must be rolled while standing with both feet located behind the machines. Balls that fail to enter the scoring zone and roll or otherwise return to the thrower may be re-thrown.

Traditional Skeeball Rules (12 Rounds)

A match will consist of two teams rolling 10 regular frames. Each frame is one full game with 9 rolled balls.

  • Every team member present and able to play must roll during each frame (9 balls).  This can be broken up however you like.
  • Each team must have a minimum of 2 rollers per game. .
  • Teams have two mulligans or “re-skees” they can use throughout the match if a player is unhappy with his/her first score. If a player chooses to roll a second frame they must first wait for their opponent to finish their first frame. At this point they may announce “I’m rolling again” and may proceed to begin their 2nd game. If they use a re-skee, the second score will be counted even if it is lower than the original score.

Match Play Skeeball Rules

  • A match will consist of two teams playing all 10 frames.  (timing it tomorrow)
  • Each team must have a minimum of 2 rollers per game. Rolling can be broken up based on the team’s discretion but every player present must roll in each frame.
  • If the final score results in a tie, there will be a tie breaker based on next highest rolled ball that does not count towards next game. (example: Team A rolls a 20 and Team B rolls a 30 Team B wins the game and the other 7 balls are just for practice before the next game starts)

Scoring or Machine Malfunctions (they’re not human, but they have flaws, too)

Some machines are older than others. Players are advised that the league plays on a variety models, styles, and ages of machines and that scoring errors are an inescapable aspect of the game. When a scoring error is made it is the responsibility of the witnessing party to IMMEDIATELY bring the scoring error to the attention of the other team and host.

If both captains are able to agree upon the alternation of the score to fix the machine error the game may continue. If captains are unable to agree then the host will make a judgement ruling given the testimony of the captains and their personal knowledge of the machines. The ruling will be in the form of a score alteration and will be considered FINAL. Scoring errors do NOT result in re-rolls or voids of frames.

Sportsmanship (because in the grand scheme of things, it’s only a silly game)

Teams & Rollers are encouraged to introduce themselves to their opponents prior to the start of each frame.

Teams are encouraged to “line up” after their match and shake hands, give high fives, or otherwise congratulate their rivals.

Skeeball is considered a game for the civilized and friendly. While healthy competition is encouraged, any player deemed to be acting in an unsportsmanlike manner will be warned on their first instance, removed from the game on their second (and their score fore-fitted) and finally removed from the league on their 3rd infraction. Examples of unacceptable conduct include excessive badgering of players (to include cussing, shouting or heckling) and or excessively rude conduct to other bar patrons or bar staff. League Reps will have final decision on any issues regarding enforcement of this rule.