Air Force One410
Aww Shucks500
Baggin' and Braggin'050
Bean Counters230
Bean Ballers230
Corn Runners230
In the Bag320
The Great Cornholio230


TeamDateTimeOpponentBoardSeries WinnerGame 1Game 2Game 3Game 4Game 5
Corn Runners01/15/257:00Baggin' and Braggin'ABC 1Corn Runners
In the Bag01/15/258:00The Great CornholioABC 1In the Bag
Air Force One01/15/257:00Aww ShucksABC 2Aww Shucks
Bean Counters01/15/258:00Bean BallersABC 2Bean Ballers
Bean Ballers01/22/257:00Air Force OneABC 1Air Force One
Aww Shucks01/22/258:00Corn RunnersABC 1Aww Shucks
The Great Cornholio01/22/257:00Bean CountersABC 2Bean Counters
Baggin' and Braggin'01/22/258:00In the BagABC 2In the Bag
Bean Counters03/05/257:00Baggin' and Braggin'ABC 1
The Great Cornholio03/05/258:00Bean BallersABC 1
In the Bag03/05/257:00Aww ShucksABC 2
Corn Runners03/05/258:00Air Force OneABC 2
Air Force One02/05/257:00In the BagABC 1Air Force One
Aww Shucks02/05/258:00Bean CountersABC 1Aww Shucks
Bean Ballers02/05/257:00Corn RunnersABC 2Bean Ballers
Baggin' and Braggin'02/05/258:00The Great CornholioABC 2The Great Cornholio
The Great Cornholio03/12/257:00Aww ShucksABC 1
Bean Counters03/12/258:00Air Force OneABC 1
Baggin' and Braggin'03/12/257:00Bean BallersABC 2
In the Bag03/12/258:00Corn RunnersABC 2
Corn Runners02/19/257:00Bean CountersABC 1Corn Runners
Bean Ballers02/19/258:00In the BagABC 1In the Bag
Air Force One02/19/257:00The Great CornholioABC 2Air Force One
Aww Shucks02/19/258:00Baggin' and Braggin'ABC 2Aww Shucks
Aww Shucks02/26/257:00Bean BallersABC 1Aww Shucks
Baggin' and Braggin'02/26/258:00Air Force OneABC 1Air Force One
Bean Counters02/26/257:00In the BagABC 2Bean Counters
The Great Cornholio02/26/258:00Corn RunnersABC 2The Great Cornholio